Friday, January 19, 2018


Friday, January 19 – We are enjoying our time here at Leisure Valley Ranch in Mission, Texas. Like most of the nation the weather has been less than favorable with record setting temperatures down in the 30's. Thankfully, it appears over and temperatures are forecasted to climb back to the customary 70's.


We've enjoyed several social events with friends. There have been happy hours, dances, and card parties. Of course, Marsha, has enjoyed getting together with her lady friends and has picked up a new glass painting. She was so proud of her painting prowess. Like a little girl with her “all – A's” grade card! Now where do we pack those wine glasses, brushes, and paint jars?

Thanks to Cookie for sharing her supplies and techniques.
wine glass painting

Marsha in deep concentration.
wine glass painting

She never starts out simple.
wine glass painting

Side 1
wine glass painting

Side 2. Marsha said she ran out of time and didn’t get to finish this side like she wanted to.
wine glass painting

We've also enjoyed meeting up with old friends over lunch. We meet our friend, John, for lunch at Riverside Restaurant located on the Rio Grande River. We originally met John many years ago via his blog. We catchup every other year during our visit here to the Rio Grande Valley. Angie and Rick have joined us the last couple visit with John. John and Paul always enjoy the huge pork tenderloin sandwich. Great time with great friends.

This is the actual size of the sandwich.

L-R: Rick, Paul, John, Marsha, Angie

We've always wanted to take the river cruise that leaves Riverside Restaurant and have plans to do that in the very near future. Check back and share our adventure.

Thanks for stopping by. Hope to see y’all back real soon. Have a great day.


  1. Great job on those glasses. Did you free hand the palm trees?

  2. So fun to have a creative project on a chilly day. I ended up baking cookies (and eating too many) when it was so danged cold. Your wineglasses turned out great!

  3. Nice to hear from you again and glad all is well there. Too bad about your cole weather there. We still enjoying the nice sunny warm days here in the southwest.

  4. We’re up to 49F ... woo hoo! That sandwich could easily feed a couple of people.

  5. Love your glasses. Cool idea to put the stencil inside!!! I could do that with the gourds but then I wouldn't be able to see the stencil! Weather is mighty warm here! I'm guessing this was the wrong year not to head farther west!

  6. Next time we do a Mexico RV caravan that departs from Texas, we will drive to Texas and then fly somewhere with guaranteed warmth and fly back when the caravan begins!

  7. So glad to hear you are finally going to be thawing out:) Hope it stays warm for you. Love, love your new hobby! You wine glass is so cute. Looks like next Christmas's present!! Can't wait to see more.

  8. Great job on the Glasses. You could easily give them away as gifts.
    As George stated we are quite comfortable here and are finally going to get a couple weeks of cooler temperatures.
    I just recently reconnected with John and hope to meet up with him next fall. Say Hello for us.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  9. ahhhh. . .painting is addictive, and doesn't require much equipment.

    Just beautiful. ..way to go!

  10. It has been a rough winter just about everywhere, but glad the temps are on the rise for you in Texas.
    Marsha is really quite the artist with how well she painted the wine glasses.
    It is always good to meet up with old friends and share some time together.
    Thanks for sharing...

  11. Yup, I'd say that is a Texas size sandwich.

  12. You are so talented Marsha. There is a wineglass painting class here once a season, which I believe includes drinking wine during the class. I have never been as I don't have your talent. LuAnn


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