Tuesday, November 11 – During the fall, Saturday is NCAA football for sports lovers, which is a group we are definitely among. We went to our daughter's, Carrie, apartment for lunch first. She has moved since we were last in Houston, and today is the day we got to see her new place. There's something else in town we haven't got to see, and we'll be meeting HIM at lunch as well.
Carrie still lives in the hustle and bustle of Midtown Houston. She moved into a newer and slightly larger apartment a few blocks from her previous location. It is a very nice apartment and has some increased security over her previous place. One of these security items we noticed immediately. There is a double entry gate system allowing only one car to enter the parking garage at a time. And you have to be buzzed in by the person living in the complex. Oh....and no dang speed bumps in the parking garage to rattle your car to pieces.
Carrie has a very nice apartment and a beautiful view of the downtown Houston skyline. We shared a wonderful Salmon fillet for lunch and even got to meet Michael, her special guy. They've been dating for a couple months but this was his first “family time.” Poor guy :-) He is a very nice guy and seems to fit right in.
We then headed over to one of the many sports bars in Midtown so we could watch several football games at once. They also have patron games at the bar we enjoy playing…for free. Our competitive nature sometimes gets the best of us. Paul was the CHAMPION at ping pong, (Michael took it easy on him).
Paul takes Carrie out of the playoff.
We also played several games of pool, tried our hand at ring toss, and enjoyed the football games.
Another great day with family.
It was a fun afternoon, but it was getting dark and time for the older generation to slip aside and head for home. No use even trying to keep up with the younger generation.
Houston skyline from Carrie’s rooftop parking deck.
By the way…yes, we were in Houston for the last HUGE rain. We had 7.22 inches in just 24 hours. The bayou back of the Elks was brimming at the top. It had to be at least 30’ high.
After the water finally receded.
Now that the holidays are just about upon us and since we will be sitting for a few months, we won’t be posting much. Thanks to those that sent emails asking if we were doing well.
Thanks for stopping by. Hope to see y’all back real soon. Have a great day!