Wednesday, November 25 – Thirty-nine degrees on my thermometer this morning. Good new is the high will be near 80* by noon. Guess you can't get far enough south to escape the night time cold temps.
I've been suffering with BAD BACK problems the last week or so. I've never had back problems in the past so this is frustrating. I saw a doctor before leaving Ohio and with Epidural shots in the back, he got me feeling almost normal. I thought I was fixed-up! Yeah right! It's getting bad enough now that it limits what I feel like doing. It's worse now than it ever was. Any worse and I won't be getting out of bed in the morning. It's okay if I don't move, but that's not a whole lot of fun. I have an appointment with a doctor next Thursday. I hope he has an answer.
Tonight Marsha and I went to the activity center here at Rainbow's End to play Mexican Train. Yeah, I won again......GEESH! Marsha came in second….AGAIN!
Thursday, November 26 – THANKSGIVING! We are headed to Houston to have dinner with Carrie. Plans have changed. Carrie was going to have the dinner at her place, but now we're going to one of her friend's house. It was a very nice Thanksgiving day. The dinner was scrumish. What a delight to be celebrating with a group of young people. Unfortunately, the pictures on the camera didn’t turn out. But just take my word, we all look FABULOUS!
Bella found a new game that she thinks she is pretty good at playing. Nick, one of Carrie’s roommates, has a pool table, and Bella decided to give it a whirl. She couldn’t figure out where it went.
Friday, November 27 – Black Friday......yep, I went shopping with Marsha and Carrie. I actually went to the mall....WOW! Unfortunately, my back eventually stiffened up, and we decided to head back to Livingston early. Hope the doctor will be able to subscribe a successful treatment next Thursday.
Saturday, November 28 – Another lazy day. Marsha did decorate for Christmas, including putting up a Christmas tree on the dash for everyone to enjoy. I think she just got started. You better believe it, Paul.
Y’all come back now, ya hear.