Sunday, January 7, 2018


Friday, January 5  – We've been here in Mission, TX, since Wednesday and finally enjoying some warmer weather. We are actually in a small town west of Mission called Penitas. We are in Leisure Valley Ranch, a 55+ community where we are renting a lot from our friends, Amy and Steve. We have stayed here many times and are enjoying time with good friends.



Looking right.

Looking left.

Oranges, grapefruit and lemons are in season here in the Valley. Many people have several trees in their yard and plenty of fruit to share. We just walk around with a couple of bags and gather whatever we need to make delicious fresh juice.

making juice

The lemons are JUMONGOUS! A little comparison for you.
making juice

making juice

On Friday,  we drove a few miles south to cross the USA – Mexico border into Progresso, MX. We are visiting a dentist to have some old crowns replaced and our teeth cleaned. Progresso is a typical border town filled with tourists seeking inexpensive dental, optical, and prescription drug deals. We have always been very happy with the dental work we've received here and weren't disappointed today.

We arrived early, 8:15,  at Mustre Dental Clinic and by the looks of things when we walked out of the examination area that was a good move. Patients had filled the waiting room and were even sitting outside the office waiting for treatment. Marsha and I both had old crowns removed and were fitted for replacements. Each crown is $200 and cleaning is $25. Compared that to what we would pay in the USA, this is really, really inexpensive. These clinics are every bit as modern as those at home and most of the dentists are trained in the US and many even live there.

Mustre Dental Clinic

Mustre Dental Clinic

Mustre Dental Clinic

After our dental visit we strolled down the street visiting several of the touristy shops and eventually stopped for a couple tacos and margaritas. Again a bargain at $5 for five tacos and $4 for the BIG margaritas. There was even a fellow playing music for listening or dancing!

Mexico even likes our Astros.

I bet that huge dog is going to make a great piñata.

By early afternoon we were ready to head back across the border. A quick check of our passports and by dropping a twenty-five cent toll into the turnstile for crossing the bridge over the Rio Grande, we were back home. We'll be returning in a couple weeks to be fitted for our finished crowns. In the mean time, we have plenty of adventures and “mucho” exploring to do, so stop back and enjoy the Rio Grande Valley along with us.

Thanks for stopping by. Hope to see y’all back real soon. Have a great day!