Monday, January 25, 2010


Saturday, January 22 – Beautiful day! The warm weather is back. Not much going on today. Had a visit from Bruce & Barb, a couple we met in Livingston. They are camping a couple miles down the road.

Marsha and I walked around the sale tents to enjoy the weather. When we returned to the campsite, we sat around the campfire and talked with our fellow campers.

Sunday, January 23 – Beautiful sunny morning.


We (and Jeri) went to church in the pavilion here at La Posa South. “Last Call Christian Ministry” is an all denominations church. Minister Albert (Glenn) Self Sr. led our service.


His wife, Rhodora, greeted us warmly. It was an unusual service. Sort of a good old country get together. A grass roots church providing for the people living out here in the desert. They had hot coffee and delicious muffins. There is a Blessing Exchange Table for giving a blessing or receiving a blessing. It is filled with basic needs like bread, macaroni and cheese, tooth paste, bottled water, blankets, Bibles, clothing, etc. They encourage everyone…..If you see something you need at the table, please take it with joy and thanksgiving.



They have three Bible studies during the week. Since this was the 4th Sunday, they had a hotdog and craft fellowship following the worship service. Rev. Self’s message was very clear….”Love Thy Neighbor!” We did offer communion. How beautiful it was being outside with the mountains and cacti, worshipping together with a group of loving people!

We had to find a campground in Yuma, AZ. After an extensive search, we finally decided on a place in the foothills of Yuma. We are headed there tomorrow and will stay for about a week.

Did some chores around the MH in preparation for our travel day on Monday. Checked the engine coolant and oil. Checked transmission fluid and the tire air pressure. I also greased out leveling jacks.

This evening we went out to eat with the group at Palo Verde Café, on I-95. We had a great meal. Marsha was so happy….she had liver and onions….YUCK! She said it was delicious….I’ll take her word on that. Ten of the fourteen remaining people are leaving tomorrow. It was a bon voyage dinner! After dinner we enjoyed a final campfire and went to our rigs about 9:00 p.m. Since the departure of Lee, Paul is our Master Fire builder. Marsha says he has done a great job! Judge for yourself.



To end our last night at the Q, the sunset was again unforgettable.


Thanks for traveling with us at the Q. Hope to see you in Yuma.