Thursday, August 30 - While Carrie was visiting, it was her birthday. She didn't want any cake or ice cream. What did she want…some sort of flavored beer.
Marsha got creative and turned that ordinary bottle of beer into a birthday celebration.
Marsha made Carrie a tray out of pine needles. Carrie was really excited.
"There is a sucker born every minute" is how the saying goes. Well, guess who the sucker was this time…MARSHA. While we were visiting our friends, Jeri and Terry, we ran across a guy selling the "smallest" kites in THE ENTIRE WORLD. Marsha watched this guy fly his kites and thought they were pretty cool. Only $2/each…what bargain. She picked out two and presented them to the girls. Marsha yelled, "Go on, fly them, they really work!" The wind was blowing just enough to get those little kites up in the air. Guess she is not such a sucker after all.
It was another wonderful celebration, and it was only noon.
Thanks for stopping by. Hope to see y'all back real soon. Have a great day!