Thursday, August 21, 2014


Thursday, August 21 - Our sister-in-law, Delores Weaver, passed away in 2009 from ALS. We will be attending the ALS Walkathon September 27 in Augusta, Georgia. Many of you may be aware of the “ALS ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE” that is sweeping the country. Last year ALS raised just over 1 million dollars for research. This year, thanks to the challenge, ALS has raised over 30 million dollars. One hundred percent of this money goes towards finding a cure for this horrible disease. As of now, there is no known cure.

We were challenged by our daughter and son-in-law, Kelly and Dave, to participate in the Challenge which involves dumping a bucket of ice cube filled water over our heads. We know....old people shouldn't be dumping ice water over their head!.....but we agreed to take part regardless. So if you want to witness this shocking experience view the video.

Our daughter, Carrie who has a birthday today, challenge our poor little Bella to participate in the Ice Bucket Challenge. She said that if Bella would participate she would double her donation. Now mind you, Bella has NEVER been given a bath, but because she, also, believes this is an excellent chance for her to help find a cure, she participated. Don’t forget to raise your donation dear daughter Carrie.


It would be wonderful if everyone viewing the video would donate a couple dollars to ALS. You can do this at this ALS secured site. All donations go directly to ALS and will be used to beat this dreaded disease.

Thanks for stopping by. Hope to see y’all back real soon. Have a great day!