Take some quarters with you. You need one to enter the country and one to get out.
Next step is to walk across the bridge.
As you walk across, you can see the Rio Grande River that many illegals try to cross over to the USA. This is a view of the USA side. See the wall in the background?
You also see lots of hats sticking through the fence.
If you have a large head like Paul, you can be in two countries at one time.
You are now in Mexico.
We went to this same dentist last year, Dr. de la Rosa Saenz, and was quite pleased with his service.
We both have appointments for cleaning. Marsha only needed a regular cleaning but Paul received a deep cleaning.
Everyone asks us questions liked…Does he speak good English? Is it clean? Does he take credit cards? etc. Answers…Dr. de la Rosa was educated in the United States and lives in Mission, TX. He speaks excellent English. The place is very clean and sterile. There is plastic on everything.
He also takes credit cards, checks, and cold cash.
With a “clean” smile on our faces, we headed out to try to make a deposit in the Mexico economy. And a deposit was certainly made! Paul purchased a belt and got a hair cut that comes with a free massage…both for a mere $5.00.
Marsha found the Mexican tiles she was in search of for her basket-making hobby. Not only did she find finished tiles, but we found a family of painters that would paint scenes on tiles for her. These brothers, Jose & Alfonzo (in two different locations in Progresso), use spray paint and little bits of torn paper to complete these amazing paintings.
They are so good that we wanted to show you how they paint a tile. This Alfonzo starting one of the tiles.
He uses no brushes just cans of spray paint, pieces of cardboard and plastic bags.
He drew to cactus with the cardboard and now is using the plastic bag to make the flower beds.
He made ten for Marsha. Each one is totally different. Since several of her readers may receive one of her baskets with a tile, she only wants to show the one we are keeping.
It's unbelievable!
We will share with you the rest of our visit to Mexico in our next blog.
Thanks for stopping by. Hope to see y'all back real soon. Have a great day!