If you opt for a site that is all shade, you get all shade…but so lovely!
The song birds singing in the morning and the crickets chirping in the evening. The waves lapping on shore.
Paul looking at the water.
How wonderful to take a morning walk, an evening bike ride, or sit around a campfire (even if it's a little warm for a fire). Relax in your chair and read a book or work on your favorite hobby.
This is the lifestyle one envisions when choosing to live the nomad life on an RV'er. It's fun to see the cities and the tourist attractions, but it's this “call of the wild” I find so attractive.
The Arkansas River.
View from a site looking at the water.
The sites by the water have a HUGE backyard.
They have tons of picnic shelter and pavilions here.
For our friends Sandie and Jim, Where Are The Dixons…you should be here with the boat. Here is how we envision Jim.
OR…You two could be fishing from one of these.
We have a few friends that entertain Bella from time to time.
Check back later........we're going hiking, biking, fishing, walking, napping.............
Thanks for stopping by. Hope to see ya'll back real soon. Have a great day!