Tuesday, January 22 – Well, we finally saw them! We have searched in vain the past three years for the Mexican Green Parrots. Sunday night was our lucky night.
They come to different areas around Mission, TX, at about 4:30 p.m. to roost for the night.
The other night friends, Donna and Norm, called to inform us the Parrots were in the trees by K-Mart. Unfortunately, we couldn't drop what we were doing and go, so Sunday evening we headed to K-Mart about 4:15 hoping to see them.
Sure enough, about 4:30, we heard a racket and here they came. WOW! What a sight.
They landed in some trees near the Jack In The Box fast food restaurant.
The tree they landed in was a nut tree. They were cracking the nuts open and dropping the shells on on the cars below. What a nosey bunch they were.
We ran around taking pictures and noticed there were more in the trees across the parking lot at K-Mart. And just like Donna and Norm reported, there were 100's landing and squawking in the trees near the store.
They were beautiful! Dark and light green in color with a yellow beak. They are pretty large too! Boy can they make a racket!
We enjoyed watching them for quite awhile. Now, I wonder why they travel to this area to spend the night? Think it could be the “blue light specials” at K-Mart?
Marsha was so excited, she immediately called Angie and Jane. She made plans to take them all to K-Mart on Monday night. Everyone met at our place at 4:05…strict orders from Marsha. We arrived at K-Mart at 4:15 and began the watch.
"There they are!" someone yelled.
But, why aren't they landing? We watched for about ten minutes as hundreds circled the area. Paul walked over to the K-Mart tree and noticed two huge hawks sitting there. Oh dear, now we know why they wouldn't land.
We saw where they did land and dashed in that direction. How lovely they looked against the background of the palm trees.
If you are in the area, visit the K-Mart off of I-83 and Bryan around 4:15. They arrive anytime between 4:20 and 4:30.
Keeping in the animal line of thought, we had a great time the other night playing RATZ! The card game. Marsha organized (She loves throwing parties – usually big ones too!) a game night at the Clubhouse inviting 20 people. Well, as things usually do, it quickly swelled to 30 people.
We divided into tables of six and explained the game to the newbies. After the first round of five hands, we switched people around and played a second round.
Everyone brought an hors d'oeuvre to share, and their choice of beverage. Marsha even had prizes for the ten winners. Nothing big…bubbles, silly putty, paddle ball, etc. What a great time!
Thanks for stopping by. Hope to see y'all back real soon. Have a great day!