Sorry no pictures. Marsha was busy watching Bella. She had her outside and just about the time we started to move the washer, the garbage truck came. She HATES those trucks. She was running all over trying to get out of her leash. After that truck pulled out, for some reason this other BIG truck pulled in the parking lot. She AGAIN freaked out and Marsha had to contain her. Bella was glad when the guys left! She ran for the door and spent the rest of the day trying to recover from those BIG, NASTY trucks. What a wuss!
Now we are going to convert that washer/dryer cabinet into clothes hanging and storage.
We really want a nice area to hang coats. That's one thing missing in most motor homes, a closet for coats.
Wednesday, December 15 – Paul did the closet conversion project today. He hung a closet rod in the former Washer/Dryer cabinet. We now have a nice place for coats and other odds and ends. Looks like it could have made a nice “dog house” for Paul…..ha ha!!
Finished and full! Those aren’t all coats. There are some shirts in there too.
Marsha did some laundry today. We went to a different Washateria. She is so glad we did. If we didn’t, she would have missed the next shot.
You say…”What the heck?” We too thought the same thing. We watch a lady put in a twin size comforter in this BIG washer and add about 2 CUPS of detergent. Marsha was going crazy! She said, “Let’s see what happens.” Well, the picture says it all.
Do you see any signs of a comforter? I told Marsha, “You better stop taking pictures. If that lady catches you, she will break your camera.” Marsha just stood there laughing. She again said, “Watch this.” This time the rinse water started and again NO SIGN OF A COMFORTER. The entire machine had suds. Thank goodness our dryer went off and I could get Marsha out of there. Doesn’t take much to humor her!
We then headed out to Outback Steakhouse to meet up with Carrie for dinner. We enjoyed dinner and visiting with Carrie AND she picked-up the tab! THANK-YOU!
Friday, December 17 – We are going to celebrate Christmas with the girls on Saturday, so that meant Marsha needed to get the Wedding Soup cooking today. We went over to Kelly’s early so she could get it on the stove. Boy did the apartment smell good! Good eatin’s tomorrow.
Thanks for stopping by. Hope to see y’all back real soon. Have a great day!