Monday, May 20, 2013


Wednesday, May 15 - Paul replaced the bathroom window. All the windows in the house will be replaced eventually, but Paul figured we should replace this one while we have things torn up.

Bathroom window is middle window.DSC09989

So much nicer.

The township also showed up recently to lengthen the culvert under the driveway. We have a pretty narrow street and a very narrow driveway. That doesn't sit well with an RV owner. We struggled to get the 5th wheel in it's parking space when we arrived in late April. So we had the township lengthen the culvert by nearly 20 feet. They do it for residents charging only for materials. For us the total cost was $161. Later this month, Paul has an asphalt company coming out to blacktop the area creating a nice apron for backing in the 5th wheel.

lengthening colvert

Looks like some guy in the gray shorts decided to become the supervisor. DSC04890

Marsha couldn't believe this guy was smoking a cigarette and using a blow torch. She thinks he is nuts!

cutting pipe

culvert in place

They did a very nice job.

Bella has been keeping very busy loving the outdoors. She loves finding different places to hide. She enjoys watching the birds.

bird on feeder

Marsha follows the rope. Bella has to be around here somewhere.DSC04857

This is a new hiding place for her.bella in window

There is the rope again, but where is Bella.

Great hiding place, Bella. Can't even see you.bella in grass

Oh, there you are!
Bella in grass

Thanks for stopping by. Hope to see y'all back real soon. Have a great day!