Thursday, January 6, 2011


Saturday, January 1 – HAPPY NEW YEARS!!! With every intention of watching football ALL DAY, Paul had one thing to take care of before hitting the couch......A Polar Bear Party. Nothing like jumping into freezing water through a hole in the ice.

Twelve brave souls showed up at the pool hear at Leisure Valley Ranch in Mission, TX, to brave the 65 degree morning temperatures and jump in the 90+ degree pool water...........brrrr. Well, not exactly the same as jumping in Lake Erie....but a whole lot healthier for us old farts.... :=)

Norm dumping the ice in the pool.


Friends, Jay and Betty, were two of the brave souls.


More brave souls


It actually was a little chilly with a breeze...the air was colder than the water, so we soon moved to the hot tub.


Our leader, Norm and his wife Donna, marked the historical significance of the occasion by issuing us all a certificate commemorating the First Annual Polar Bear Party Charter Membership. It was a fun activity, but we soon headed home to watch the New Year's bowl games!

Paul didn’t get any pictures of himself, but he really did jump in and enjoyed the Polar Bear party.

Back in Canton, Ohio, Marsha enjoyed a great New Year’s Eve at her brother Rod’s house. About 30 people, welcomed in the new year. On New Year’s day, Marsha and her dad watched football all day and just recovered from the festivities from the night before.

More update on the park. There are two huge Activity at each end of the park. They are almost identical in size and appearance. Inside is a large gathering area where we partied in the New Year! There is table space and seating for hundreds.



Also a very nice kitchen


and a stage area.


The community offices


There are many wonderful places to stay in the RGV and so far, Leisure Valley Ranch, has not disappointed Paul (remember, Marsha is in Ohio until January 17, so Paul is enjoying the park as a bachelor).

Note from Marsha – Paul sent me the above descriptions for the blog. I would like to ask him…”What do you mean enjoying the park as a bachelor?” “I thought you said you were bored without me!” Going to be a very long first day back for Paul when I arrive in Mission…LOL

Speaking of Marsha back home. I am enjoying visiting with family and my dear friends. It doesn’t matter if we are at a campground or in Canton, Ohio, EVERYTHING seems to revolve around FOOD! Something I don’t need more of.

I had a super time with sister-in-law, Linda, and niece, Kris. Linda is Dave’s wife, Paul’s brother who lives in Barberton. It was great catching up. Kris gave us updated pictures of their four children. What a bunch of cute kids they have. Thanks Kris for using your gift card to paid for our bill. What a nice Christmas gift.

Kris, Linda, Marsha at Olive Garden.


Another lunch date…how could I refuse? I love getting together with my church friends. Ann, Lynne and I were all teachers in the Jackson School district. Patti is our Office Administrator at our church, St. Stephen Martyr Lutheran Church. All four of us worked together at the church. I was the  Parrish Communicator. The three of them still work there. What a wonderful place to be employed. Thanks for a super time Divas…LOL.

Patti, Ann, Lynne, Marsha at a new restaurant in Canton, Danny Boys. Does it look like we are hungry?


I am watching tons of football with dad. Also, I have had the horrible opportunity to watch the Browns lose twice, and the Cavs lose EIGHT times since December 20th. Please Dear Lord, let the Indians be better than last year! MBL here I come.

Thanks for stopping by. Hope to see you back real soon. Have a great day!

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