Monday, December 2, 2013


Monday, December 2 – Again this year we enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with our daughter, Carrie and a group of her friends. We are always so pleased with what a wonderful group of kids she has as friends.

At about 11:00, we began to get the two turkeys ready.
getting turkey ready

Played a little Cornhole while the turkeys were cooking.

Coloring the tablecloth for the celebration.coloring

Just waiting for those turkeys to get done.
group picture

done turkey

We had a wonderful meal, an awesome day, and an abundance of fun. Thanks Carrie!!!

Our month stay at Forest Retreat expired on Saturday, so we headed to the Houston Elks Lodge. This is our “normal” home while in Houston and is only 15 minutes from our daughter's apartment instead of the 35 minute drive we had in New Caney. We will have to dry camp for a day until Site #1 opens up. The people in that site are planning to leave December 1.

It is 7:30 a.m. on Black Saturday. Everyone must be shopping…good for us!
driving through houston

Dry camping at the Elks.
dry camp

Big football game day. We met Carrie and her group at Pub Fiction for some refreshments and watch the Buckeyes tangle with the Wolverines. Finally score…

final score of OSU game

Sunday we spent most of the day baking at Carrie’s. Her big Annual Holiday Extravaganza is coming up and the boys love her cookies.



It is Monday, and we are still dry camping in the Elks parking lot. The people planning to leave on December 1 have extended there stay for several days due to illness. Dang! Boy, the Elks could sure use more RV sites. They have ten sites, and according to the camp hosts, they've been full almost constantly for the past year or more.

Thanks for stopping by. Hope to see y’all back real soon. Have a great day!


  1. What a wonderful visit you're having with Carrie and her friends! Carrie matches you as the hostess with the mostess! That turkey and those cookies look wonder she has such a crowd for the holidays! :-)

  2. that girl has got you workin'. . .hope you get some hookups soon!

  3. That was a beautiful, perfectly cooked turkey! Looks like a great time with Carrie and her friends...just loved reading about it!

  4. Two turkeys? But then I saw that crowd, so I guess two was just enough. Looks like you had a fabulous time. Nice to see you're still alive and well. Can't beat hangin' with the kids.

  5. Looks like you had a memorable time with your daughter and her friends. I like the creative tablecloth idea. Hope you get a site with hook-ups soon. It must be nice to be a lot closer now. Houston traffic can be trying.

  6. More fun time you are having with Carrie and friends. I guess you don't do much dry camping, that became part of our lifestyle once we went full time, but you will have hookups soon.

  7. What fun and what a lot of food too! Hopefully those folks will move before long and you'll be ale to move into their spot before anyone else sneaks in.

  8. Carrie and her friends sure look like a wonderful group of young people and it's so nice to see them having so much fun with the 'rents (that'd be you and Paul)!

    That was one big, good looking cooked Turkey.

  9. Dry camping - think of it as practicing for Quartzsite and Yuma.

  10. Fun with our kids....priceless!

  11. Glad you're enjoying so much family fun and food. We are preparing for a few really cold nights coming this week, so are turning up the heat. Wish you were here, LOL.

  12. Hope you get hooked up before the front comes through on Friday.

  13. The turkey and cookies look so yummy. It's this time of year that I miss a regular size kitchen. I've been busy baking cookies but with the small cookie sheets it seems to take forever. Oh well.....I'll just let others do the cooking LOL. Isn't it fun hanging with youngens?

  14. Glad you had such a great Thanksgiving with all the young people! I am sure they are thrilled you come to town to cook for them:)

    Hope a hook up site opens up soon!!


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