Thursday, April 9 – Well, it wasn't a clean sweep, but two out of three is a pretty good start for our Cleveland Indians. We enjoyed a day at the ball field here in Houston, Texas with our daughter, Carrie. It was really a fun day!
Astros Stadium.
We planned on taking the train to Minute Maid Park, home of the Houston Astros, but Carrie said no way....We're taking Uber! Well, that was another new experience for us. And a neat experience too! We were picked up in about two minutes, right outside Carrie's door and whisked away to the ballpark. In about 10 minutes we arrived at the front gate of the stadium – cost....a little over $5 for the three of us. No money is exchanged because the fee is debited to Carrie's account with Uber. And no tipping! Cool!
Before we could even get to the Stadium, Carrie said we had to have a pre-game beverage at Home Plate, a bar and grill right across from the Stadium.
This was our first time to see a ball game in a domed stadium. Pretty nice. The air conditioning was especially nice because it it already getting humid in Houston. I bet it can't be beat in July!
This is the closest Paul will get to catching a ball.
Carrie had purchased some great seats as a gift for Paul and Marsha’s birthday. They were second row by the Astor’s dugout.
No zooming in was required for the next photo of some sort of crazy race. We were practically on the field. Because we were so close to the field, we had to watch the game very closely for foul balls. Several came right at us.

Marsha had other ideas about the seating. She wanted to go over by the Indian's dugout and see some of the team. Luckily, it wasn't a packed house, so we were able to enjoy the game from various advantage points. Marsha and Carrie just kept moving poor Paul all over the stadium.
Our starting and winning pitcher, Trevor Bauer.
We sat right to the left of the Indian’s dugout.
Of course, Marsha and Carrie also were on TV. Two beautiful gals enjoying a day at the ball field. We didn't know about the TV appearance until after the game. Kelly, our daughter back in Ohio, texted Marsha with a video clip sent to her by one of her friends. There they were on Fox Sports Ohio! Marsha taped the game and got to watch all 30 seconds of their TV stardom. JEESH!
Final score…Indians 5, Astros 1.
After the game, we walked a couple blocks to downtown Houston for a couple craft beers at the Flying Saucer Bar. It was then time for some dinner, so we hopped on the MetroRail and headed to Mid-town where Carrie lives and where there are about a million bars and restaurants. We enjoyed dinner and then headed back to the RV. Thanks for diner Carrie and the great ballgame. She has now covered both our birthdays, anniversary, Mother and Father’s day.
This wraps up our 3-week stay visiting Carrie in Houston. We've had a wonderful visit and will be back in the fall. We are now heading toward Ohio to spend some time with Kelly and Dave. They recently purchased a house, so we should have some fun times with them this summer.
Good-bye Houston.

Thanks for stopping by. Hope to see y’all back real soon. Have a great day!